Floor Mount Rail and Stairwell Installation
EDGE Fall Protection, LLC recently installed our floor mounted permanent sized rail section and Kwik Rail at a Technical College in Minnesota. Last winter, an employee slipped, fell, and incurred an injury because no floor rail system existed. While the floor rail system was not required by OSHA, since the height was less than 48″, a fall and subsequent injury still occurred.
OSHA Citation for a North Florida Roofing Company
Earlier in 2017, a roofing company in North Florida received over 1.5 million in citations by OSHA due to the employer failing to protect employees from fall hazards. As reported by the United States Department of Labor, the roofing company continually showed a “series of willful, serious, and repeat violations has demonstrated indifference towards the safety of their employees” (US Dept of Labor). The company allowed their employees to continually work at dangerous heights without adequate fall protection and “make no reasonable effort to eliminate the risk” (US Dept of Labor).
Fall Protection Preventative Planning
While not all companies look out for the best interests of their employees, EDGE Fall Protection, LLC, is pleased to have customers that address concerns that are not required by OSHA, but in the best interest of their current and future employees. Our customer even went so far to address additional areas of concern. A generator that requires periodic maintenance was seen as a potential risk, and they went ahead and made that area safer by placing our floor mounted permanent guardrail system. We commend our customer for acting immediately on an area of concern, even when it was not required by OSHA!
Winter is coming! If you have areas of concern that you’d like to address, reach out to us today to determine the best stairwell installations to mitigate the fall risk at:
Stay Safe out there!