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Industrial Loading Dock Gate Applications – Rolling Dock Gate

Industrial Loading Dock Gate Applications – Rolling Dock Gate

Potential Hazard with Loading Docks?

Loading docks are an area in manufacturing plants where people are constantly working around, and generally have little to no fall protection when dock doors are left open.  Our Industrial Loading Dock Gates solve that problem!

Fall Protection Requirement at Loading Docks:

OSHA standard (1926.501) is the requirement that addresses fall protection in construction and general industry.  For general industry, the “4 foot rule” is used when determining whether loading dock fall protection is required. Anything above 4’, requires fall protection in the form of netting, fall arrest, fall restraint, or passive fall protection like guardrail systems.  

Many loading docks are at exactly 4’, raising the question whether the area needs to be protected or not.  While an employer may not be required to provide a fall protection solution when a loading dock is 47”, it becomes an issue of being proactive in your fall protection assessments and asking the question, “Even if our company is within the guidelines of OSHA, does this pose a hazard to our employees or contractors?”

The Solution: Industrial Rolling Dock Gate:

EDGE Fall Protection’s Loading Dock Safety Gates are simple to operate, install, and, most importantly, safe!  Due to its simplicity and security, our Industrial Rolling Dock Gate has become extremely popular. With its standard 4” wheels, solid steel construction, and visible powder coated safety yellow finish it is a functional solution to all your loading dock safety concerns.  

Not only has it been used along the loading dock, but also works great as a Mezzanine Safety Gate to provide leading edge protection.  As seen in the featured image, our customer chose to install the Industrial Rolling Dock Gate to guard employees against fall hazards, but allow for easy flow of material, as needed.

If you have concerns at your loading docks, mezzanines, elevated platforms, or rooftops, reach out to us at EDGE Fall Protection to get knowledge and expertise on how to best mitigate your fall protection concerns.



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