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Customized Products

EDGE Fall Protection is happy to do work with you to meet your specific needs.  Chances are, we have run into an issue similar to yours, and, if not, we love a challenge!

Some of our general safety equipment products include:

  • Free standing railing to protect equipment extending past parapet
  • Customized skylight screens
  • Adjustable mid-rail on our ballasted Roof Safety Rail – Mobile 360 or AccuFit Architectural Rail
  • Adjustable stanchions for roof elevation changes – Mobile 360 or AccuFit Architectural Rail
  • Finishing Rail for connections or spacing from ladder platforms.  Also known as D-ring or Bullnose railing
  • Customized low profile outrigger solutions for terminating runs
  • and Much More!

Call us to find your custom safety equipment!


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