If individuals are concerned about a mesh or grate interfering with the view of the skylight, the Skyview Barrier Rail System eliminates that concern by supplying the end user with a 42” high OSHA and CALOSHA guardrail that is a completely freestanding non-penetrating skylight guardrail system while providing an unimpeded view of the skylight.
Skyview Skylight Fall Protection Railing Installation
The Skyview Barrier Rail System will ship in one of two ways. Both systems are simple to install, require only two people, and minimal tools.
For fully welded skylight guardrail assemblies, installation of our skylight fall protection railing should not take more than 20 minutes.
- With assistance of a crane, or multiple people, lift the Skyview Railing system over the dome skylight, and place around the exterior curb of the existing skylight.
- Thread clamp bolts through existing holes on the exterior base of the Skyview Railing frame and attach clamp foot pad. Once both clamp foot pads are contacting the skylight curb, tighten clamp bolts to two full rotations on one side.
For break-down Skyview skylight fall protection railing add these few steps:
- Organize the sized portable railing sections appropriately around the skylight.
- Use supplied hardware to bolt frame together – generally (2) bolts supplied per corner connection.
- Follow remaining steps for the fully welded assembly!
Flat Roof Protection – Skylight Fall Protection
When addressing any type of flat roof protection, one must consider the danger that skylights pose to employees and contractors. Domed skylights pose a significant flat roof fall protection hazard as they are generally not manufactured to withstand the 200 pound load test required by OSHA. Since many rooftops are full of trips hazards like conduits, ducts, expansion joints, or parapets, having a skylight adjacent to one of these trip hazards are especially dangerous. In addition, if your business is in an area of North America that receives snowfall, these domed skylights can easily be covered up by snow, making them completely unknown to those unfamiliar with your rooftop. Skylight guards and skylight fall protection railings should be a consideration for all businesses that must address flat roof protection. (For self-closing safety gates, check here.)
Skyview Skylight Guardrail Barrier Specification
Non-Penetrating EDGE Fall Protection LLC Skyview Barrier Skylight Guard: Provide Non-Penetrating Skylight Guard System. The Skylight Guardrail System is a non-penetrating freestanding barrier system on roof, consisting of tubular welded frame at locations indicated on the drawings.
- Height: 42 inches (1067 mm).
- Skylight Railings: 1-5/8 inch (41 mm) O.D. hot rolled pickled electric weld tubing, free of sharp edges and snag points.
- System is placed over the top of the skylight and has compression fit against the skylight curb to hold it in place.
- System meets federal OSHA guidelines that requires a 200 lb load capacity and also complies with CalOSHA guidelines that requires guards capable of supporting a 400 lb. load.
Keyword Focus: flat roof protection, non-penetrating skylight guardrail system, domed skylight, skylight fall protection, skylight guards, skylight fall protection railing