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Ladder Fall Arrest System

  • Includes top and bottom brackets, pre-swaged cable, and cable guide
  • Integrated fall arrest anchor point on top bracket
  • 100% tie-off capability
  • Easy installation
  • Designed to meet requirements of ANSI Z359.16, OSHA 1910.140 and 1926.602 standards when used with our Lad-Saf X2 or X3 sleeve.
Product Specifications

EDGE Fall Protection’s Fixed Ladder Fall Arrest System is a galvanized steel vertical ladder fall protection safety system, designed to protect workers wearing personal fall protection equipment from falls when climbing fixed ladders. This 2-user ladder climbing safety system includes the top and bottom brackets, pre-swaged 3/8 inch 1 x 7 galvanized steel cable, and one guide.

EDGE’s Ladder Fall Arrest System

Durable Secure Lifeline Design

Two mounting brackets, one at the top of the ladder and one at the bottom of the ladder, secure a vertical lifeline to the fixed ladder.  These mounting brackets fit a variety of fixed ladder styles which may have different rung spacings and different rung shapes.  

A durable, 3/8 inch 1 x 7 high-strength galvanized steel cable is stretched between the top and bottom brackets to create a secure lifeline.  For additional stability to the lifeline, a cable guide attaches to the middle rung.  There is 100% tie-off capability with an integrated fall arrest anchor point on the top bracket, rated to 3,600 lbs.

Permanent installation of this ladder fall protection system is easy with included mounting hardware and robust cable tensioning and termination.

Worker’s Safety and Security

A worker attaches a compatible cable sleeve to the ladder lifeline and connects it to a lanyard or self-retracting lifeline (SRL).  The sleeve moves with the worker which allows for mobility up and down the entire height of the ladder while climbing and locks in place should a fall occur.  It eliminates the need to disconnect and find new tie-off points along the way.  This ladder fall protection system allows two users to safely climb the entire length of the ladder and safely transition to the top of the ladder.  The weight capacity is 620 lbs.

Compliance with ANSI and OSHA Fall Protection Standards

Add or upgrade your vertical safety system with this complete fixed ladder fall arrest system. When used with a Lad-Saf X2 or X3 Detachable Cable Sleeve, EDGE’s Ladder Fall Arrest System meets the requirements of ANSI Z359.16 standard, as well as OSHA’s 1910.140 and 1926.502 standards.

OSHA’s Walking-Working Surface Final Ruling requires installation of personal fall arrest or ladder safety systems on new and replacement ladders over 24 feet.  Also, replace cages and wells used as fall protection with ladder safety or personal fall protection systems on fixed ladders over 24 feet by November 18, 2036.

Turnkey Installation by EDGE FP

While we are always happy to provide detailed installation instructions so you can get the job done in house, EDGE FP also offers turnkey installations on all of our systems.  If you want to leave the details and concerns of proper setup, we’d be happy to send our team of professional installers directly to your job site or facility.  We are ready to work anywhere in the USA!

Ladder Fall Arrest System Features

  •         Includes:  top and bottom brackets, pre-swaged cable, and cable guide
  •         Flexible:  mounting brackets can be used on a variety of fixed ladder styles
  •         Pre-swaged ⅜ inch 1 x 7 galvanized steel cable
  •         Lightweight and easy to install
  •         100% tie-off capability:  Integrated fall arrest anchor point on top bracket, rated at 3,600 lb
  •         2-user system
  •         Total weight capacity 620 lbs
  •         Designed to meet requirements of ANSI Z359.16, OSHA 1910.140 and 1926.602 standards when used with our Lad-Saf X2 or X3 sleeve.

The X2 Detachable Cable Sleeve and the X3 Detachable Cable sleeve which attaches to the climber’s harness is sold separately.

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